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Employment Application

Please complete the form below and submit all required documents 

Name (First & Last)*

Date of Birth*

Telephone Number*

Secondary Number

Address (City, State & Zip Included)*

Email Address*

Position Applying For (Select all that apply)*

Anticipated Start Date*

Work Status Applying For*

Describe your current skills that qualify you for the position your applying for.*

Do you have any prior convictions?*

Describe Convictions

Name of High School & Address*

Did you graduate High School?*

Graduation Date

Did you attend collage?*

Name of School(s)

Did you Graduate?*

Is your degree in Early Childhood Education or Related Fields

Do you have a current CDA *

Do you know anyone that's currently employed with Lamont Academy*

Name(s) of employee(s) you know

Provide Name & Telephone Numer of Professional References*

Work Experience: Provide employer name, telephone number, supervisor name, telephone number if different from employer, your position, dates employeed, salary or hourly rate, responsibilities & reason for leaving.*

Work Experience: Provide employer name, telephone number, supervisor name, telephone number if different from employer, your position, dates employeed, salary or hourly rate, responsibilities & reason for leaving.

Work Experience: Provide employer name, telephone number, supervisor name, telephone number if different from employer, your position, dates employeed, salary or hourly rate, responsibilities & reason for leaving.

Work Experience: Provide employer name, telephone number, supervisor name, telephone number if different from employer, your position, dates employeed, salary or hourly rate, responsibilities & reason for leaving.

Are you a U.S. Citizen*

Electronic Signature *

Date Application Completed*

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